

Artist / Yohei Hosoki

1993年。広島県生まれ 広島市安佐南区在住。趣味で絵を描くという父の影響で、幼少の頃から美術館に通うなど、絵に触れる機会が多かった。また、近所の動物園に週1ペースで通っていた時期もあり、そういった経験がさまざまな作品に活かされている。幼少の頃から絵を描くことが好きで、油彩は特別支援学校時代に学んだ。油彩・アクリル絵の具・色鉛筆と画材や描画方法において、幅広く挑戦している。作品のモチーフとなるのは、動物・植物・人物と幅広い。力強さや優しさ、主に癒される作風と評価されている。アンパンマンの作家である「やなせ たかし氏」にあこがれて、趣味でイラストも描く。

2009年 第8回キラキラっとアートコンクール 「やぶさめ」優秀賞
2013年 アート・ルネッサンス 「魔法の部屋」入賞
2014年 アート・ルネッサンス 「フレンチブルドック」入選
2016年 広島市ピースアートコンテスト 「カンムリヅル」 審査員特別賞受賞
2017年 広島市ピースアートプログラム アート・ルネッサンス2017 「サクラダイ」入選

2019年~2020年 広島市安佐動物公園動物科学館 市民公募展「細木陽平《動物》絵画展」 
2019年 広島市立春日野小学校鑑賞展示 「細木陽平絵画展」
2023年 広島市立早稲田小学校鑑賞展示 「細木陽平絵画展」
2023年 広島市立牛田小学校鑑賞展示 「細木陽平絵画展」





Born in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan in 1993, lives in Asaminami Ward, Hiroshima City. Influenced by his father, who draws pictures as a hobby, he had many opportunities to come into contact with art, such as going to art museums from an early age.
There was a time when he went to the local zoo once a week, that kind of experience is used in his various works.
He has loved painting since his childhood, and learned oil painting when he was at a special needs school.
He has been experimenting with a wide range of painting materials and methods, including oil painting, acrylic paint, and coloured pencils.
The motifs of his works range from animals, plants and people.
His style is regarded as powerful, gentle and mainly healing.
He also draws illustrations as a hobby, inspired by Takashi Yanase, the creator of Anpanman.

<Main Awrards>
2009: 8th Sparkle Art Contest “Yabusame” Excellence Award
2013: Art Renaissance “Magic Room” Prize Winner
2014: Art Renaissance “French Bulldog” Selected
2016: Hiroshima City Peace Art Contest “Crowned Crane” Jury Special Prize
2017: Hiroshima City Peace Art Program Art Renaissance 2017 “Sakuradai” Selected

<Main Exhibitions>
2019–2020: Hiroshima City Asa Zoological Park Animal Science Museum Citizens’ Open Call Exhibition “Yōhei Hosoki [Animals] Painting Exhibition”
2019: Hiroshima City Kasugano Elementary School Appreciation Exhibition “Yōhei Hosoki Painting Exhibition”
2023: Hiroshima City Waseda Elementary School Appreciation Exhibition “Yōhei Hosoki Painting Exhibition”
2023: Hiroshima City Ushita Elementary School Appreciation Exhibition “Yōhei Hosoki Painting Exhibition”

His home is like a small museum, overflowing with artworks from the entrance.

The second floor is his studio, where an oil painting by his grandfather and various sculptures by his father are displayed. Surrounded by these, he creates many pieces, suggesting that his talent may have been inherited through generations.

He can’t go anywhere without his drawing tools. Given the time and place, he immerses himself in drawing. Comic stories and characters “that come falling down,” as he puts it, dance vividly across the pages of what was once a blank notebook. He doesn’t call these “works” but his “lifework.”

One of his charms is the soft use of colors. The unique hues he creates by blending various colors seem to reflect his gentle personality.

